Synephrine is another ingredient found in iForce Dexaprine that has great fat burning properties. This ingredient is normally found in the Citrus aurantium fruit, also known as bitter orange. The immature fruit of Citrus aurantium is used to produce Synephrine.
There have been many studies on the efficacy of Synephrine as a fat burner. The potent effects of the ingredient came to light because of a compound with similar chemical makeup called Ephedrine. Unfortunately, Ephedrine had a lot of drawbacks such as health risks and toxicity. Also, Ephedrine has been used to manufacture illegal amphetamines, so it’s a controlled substance and most people simply don’t want to (and shouldn’t) deal with that. Synephrine, on the other hand contains a phenolic group. This makes conversion of the ingredient to amphetamines highly unlikely, and guarantees its safety and legality as a natural dietary supplement.
The fat burning effects of Synephrine can be attributed to the fact that it is also similar to Epinephrine. The following benefits can be obtained using the ingredient:
Primarily, the ingredient only targets the beta-3 adrenergic receptors of the body. Ephedra or Ephedrine on the other hand affects beta-1 and beta-2 causing large increases in heart rate and blood pressure. Still Synephrine can stimulate beta-3 receptors to achieve similar effects of Ephedrine but with lesser toxicity.
Because of the similarity of Synephrine and Epinephrine, fat loss is achieved through lipolysis. Adipose tissue will start expelling stored fat or glycogen into the blood stream that can then be burned as energy during workout.
The medical benefits were studied by Stohs et. Al. in 2007 published in “Effects of p-Synephrine alone and in Combination with Selected Bioflavonoids on Resting Metabolism, Blood Pressure, Heart Rate and Self-Reported Mood Changes”. The study was very thorough. Stohs had a number of 50 participants and their methodology was simple. The 50 participants fasted and did not drink any known stimulant such as coffee. Then the resting metabolism was measured using Micro Life’s Medgem® Indirect Calorimeter. P-Synephrine was administered for the experimental group while the control group was given a placebo.
The study employed a double-blinded, randomized, placebo controlled protocol which guaranteed unbiased results. The results were simple; p-Synephrine caused increase thermogenesis compared to the placebo that did not have any marked change after 2-3 hours. In fact, the study reported that Synephrine did not have any untoward effects to the mood of the experimental group.
Synephrine may show a lot of promise as a fat loss product however many still say that it isn’t as powerful as ephedrine. Still, many say that the ingredient has less toxic effects which could safeguard health. That’s why iForce Dexaprine combines several other ingredients to enhance the effects of Synephrine. The addition of Caffeine anhydrous, Phenylethylamine, Theophylline and more can provide you with increased fat loss and thermogenesis.
Even with a great ingredient found in Citrus aurantium, side effects can and will occur with improper use. As with all supplements, overdose will always have a profound negative effect to the body. The following side effects of Synephrine have been documented:
Synephrine may also interact with any drug from the statin group. This interaction is also the same for the grapefruit which can cause various systemic changes to a person who is taking statins like Simvastatin. This is why you should NEVER mix any supplement, including Dexaprine, with prescription drugs unless you are given consent from your doctor. Everyone should seek a doctor’s approval before beginning any diet or supplementation program – this is especially true for anyone on prescription drugs.
Many reports have talked about how Synephrine could be as dangerous as Ephedrine. However, this ingredient can be found in many drinks and supplements. It has existed since the 90’s as a popular dietary supplement. Also in 2004, WebMD published an article that many of the studies debunking Synephrine were flawed. Approximately 22% of the respondents lied about smoking. Another 16% lied about their alcohol habits and another 12% lied about using recreational drugs such as amphetamines. The side effects did not come from synephrine!
In fact, the label advises everyone to avoid smoking, drinking alcohol and using illegal or recreational drugs! Even if someone isn’t taking Dexaprine, alcohol, cigarettes and drugs can obviously already harm the body.
iForce Dexaprine only uses Synephrine obtained from the naturally grown Citrus aurantium. A careful balance in dosage was achieved to give you maximum benefits without reaching toxicity levels. In order to achieve safe but effective weight loss, avoid the use of other stimulants and weight loss pills that carry one or two ingredients found in iForce Dexaprine. Try Dexaprine alone. You’ll be surprised and feel the effects of Synephrine better than any other brand.
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